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My oldest son, the football star! |
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Baby JackE w/a 'bro-stache' |
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My Daughter 'Tebowing' |
Okie-dokie....day #2 of blogging. Let's see how long I can keep this up & or how long it takes for me to figure out the 'blogging world'. It always seems as soon as I am done typing up something to talk about & posting it, no sooner do I log off & walk away, out of no where thousands of grand ideas pop into my head. When I finally get around to sit down & blog again, all those grand ideas seem to disappear. It's a bummer & the pits I tell ya. I'd take pen & paper with me everywhere, but I lose everything so easily. Hence the reason why I write lists on my 'palm-pilot' AKA back of my hand! It certainly doesn't help that I truly consider myself a pre-Alzheimer's/Dementia patient. Our family is so great at remembering things! haha! OK, well maybe some of us, but I would not be in that category.
Speaking of family, that certainly does bring me to my main point of this blog. MY FAMILY!!! I am a proud Mother of twins, Skyeler & Patty & also the proud Mother of my baby Jack! Awhile back, one thing that we started in our home is 'Family Night'. Even though every day is technically family night, Thursday is the night I try to do something extra fun, like a favorite meal or add an outing, just something to show my extra attention & love to them, but that definitely doesn't mean every other day of the week is any less time with them. I hope they know that too. We just picked a night during the week to make it a point to set aside & dedicate that time to strictly our family. I will openly admit & honestly say, that this is one very positive thing I did take with me after I got divorced. Just because he is not in the home anymore, does not mean we can not still have family night. We are still a family! :0) So, Thursday is our blocked out day to be together. Anyone asks, 'Sorry, we already have plans that day'. teehee....even if we don't really have "plans", we will. Whether it's board games, cards, crafts, movies, hide & seek, etc. WE WILL BE DOING SOMETHING AS A FAMILY! We've even gone to the store, purchased 3 cans of cheap shaving cream & had a 'shaving cream war' in the yard. Certainly a mess, but easy to clean & it didn't smell that bad either. Sometimes we all just sit on the couch & talk about our day or tell jokes & stories. haha! I truly enjoy & look forward to Thursday! What was once just another day & sometimes not the best day because it can mean you still have one more day until the weekend, it is now a day I look forward too since starting this wonderful tradition! (Can I say DAY more)? haha! I can only hope that as my kids grow older & become more independent of me, they will still remember our family night & maybe, if I'm lucky, they'll still keep Thursday's blocked out to the world, but always open for Mom. Maybe even start the same type of tradition of their own when they have a family.....Of course that won't be for awhile & I'm definitely in no hurry to see them grow up. I absolutely love every moment with my kids. Even if we're all grumpy, at least we're all grumpy together. haha!
Maybe saying the ideas aloud will help? Haha... Or you can write quick words onto your "palm-pilot" :) that will trigger the whole idea. I love that you have family night blocked out during the week. Shaving cream fights are the best!