Monday, January 30, 2012

6 Words to Describe My Life

I was reading a friend's blog the other day.  If you get a chance, you definitely should check out Xiomara's page! On one of her recent blogs she had posted a gadget type of deal at the bottom of it asking to describe your life in six words.  I had commented to her that I would have to put some thought into this one & get back to her.  As oppose to hopping back on her page & filling it up w/my jibber-jabber, I have decided that this would make for a good blog.  I had been stuck in a slump this past week due to some unfortunate news I received & being that my blog page says 'Every Day HAPPY w/Siouxxsie' I guess I felt like I couldn't really blog a sad thought.  I think however, I have been able to find a way I can turn my negative/sadness around into something hopefully positive, uplifting & motivational instead.  Having said that, I will now share w/you, 2 six word sentences I came up with that to me feel very fitting in describing my life.

1. I consider my life extremely blessed ~ I think this one is pretty self explanatory, blessed is blessed, is it not? :0)  I can not even begin to add up or recall all the numerous times I have sat back & thought, "I am so blessed to have the family that I do"

"I am so blessed to have all these wonderful friend's in my life". 
"I am so blessed to be where I am in life".
"I am so blessed to have all that I have"!  But most of all,
"I am so blessed to know God & have Him in my life"!
I understand that perhaps religion isn't your thing, organized or lack there of, but for me God is everything.

Through the past couple of years, I had been learning more & more of this through various discussions I would have w/a very dear friend of mine.  We had gone to HS together, but never really kept in touch until a few years back through the wonderful world of computers.  Always so full of such insight & knowledge.  I absolutely adore him & am so amazed & inspired by his faith & just who he became as a person in general.  That was what brought me so down last week.  I had learned through friends of mine that he had passed away suddenly.  This obviously flooded my mind with so many different thoughts, feelings, emotions, you name it!  I was so crushed by the sad news & shocked by the suddenness.  I just wished him a happy birthday literally a few weeks ago.  As I sat & grieved, pouted & felt crummy, it began to dawn on me, "I am so blessed to have had him in my life, if even for a bit period of time".

"I am so blessed to continue to have him in my heart forever".
"I am so blessed that I had the opportunity to be considered a friend by him".
"I am so blessed to be one of the many people in his life that he inspired & motivated".
"I am so blessed to be able to share the things he shared with me".
"I am so blessed to know that some day, we will see each other again".

It took me a few days to come to terms with this & realize that, but I did & I am now happy again & in a better place emotionally.  I continue to pray for his beautiful family that I have also come to love & cherish.  I thank his Mom for bringing up such a beautiful person & for sharing her son with all of us.

Which brings me to my 2nd six word phrase that to me describes my life.

#2. I have been given a choice ~  YUP!  I have, it's true.  Although God, being the Omnipotent One that He is & knowing already what I will choose, still allows me to make that choice!  For a few days there, I chose to be unhappy & sad & grieve the loss of my dear friend, but then I also chose to turn it around & to be accepting, understanding & positive about it all.  I think sometimes we need to be brought to certain levels to obtain other ones.  It's like having to go without something in order to fully appreciate & be thankful when we have it, you know?  I think it's very okay to grieve, it's a part of the healing process.  I think if we try not to grieve, it only holds us back from being able to accept our loss & fully move on in our life.

I completely understand that not every day is a party full of celebrating & cheer, but regardless of how difficult the day may become, it is all in how we choose to look at it & what we choose to learn from it.  I have gained quite a bit of insight out of my life thus far & I'm always finding ways to continue enjoying this journey I am on.  Life is ours to learn, love & enjoy.  As stinky as the bad days are, I always try to find the good in them too.  It's my choice. :0)  So I suppose in conclusion, It's my choice and I choose blessed!  Happy day to you all!!!  Know that I consider myself very blessed to have you in my life.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for sharing a link to Equis' Place on your fabulous blog and YAY for doing your own 6 Words post.

    I'm sorry to hear about the heart-wrenching loss of your friend. I am glad that you are able to appreciate the ways in which his presence in your life blessed you. I made a similar comment yesterday regarding my grandfather's death: I am so grateful that I had him in my life for the time I did; others are not so lucky.

    P.S. I think it's okay to share sad posts... but it's great that you continue to look for the positive in everything.
