Saturday, January 21, 2012

Things Jack says

So, I know all of our kids say some of the silliest things, but I think Jack really takes the cake!  He's constantly spitting things out that I would have never imagined hearing him say & I can't help but crack up.....probably even when I shouldn't.  I have also found that he just might have a wee bit of 'road rage' from driving around w/me.  It's true.  I am guilty as charged.  Oh man!  We'll be driving along & the light will be red so I slow down & stop & if there happens to be a car stopped in front of us, Jack will automatically start yelling at that car to move & get out of the way.  haha!  It seems he doesn't quite understand why Mommy has gotten mad at some people in the past while driving, but he certainly has the 'concept' down. 0_0 

Sometimes when I ask him to take something & put it away or wherever it belongs, his excuse to me will be, "Uh Mom, you have to do it because it makes me too nervous".  Really?  To nervous to put a toy away hu?  Okay, that's a first.  He has such an imagination & he's so creative in his complex ways of thinking.  I absolutely love to hear what he'll say next & try to understand his concept behind it.  We were playing around w/some 3-D movie glasses the other day & I asked him if he wanted to wear the 3-D glasses.  He said he would & asked if he would look cool & I told him yes & put them on.  No sooner did I place them on his head then he got a little upset & said, "Uh Mom, it's not saying tweety like Tweety bird".  That just really made my day!  Now I know a lot of that probably had to do w/my not speaking clearly enough for him to fully understand what was going on, but I just don't know anyone who would have ever come up w/thinking glasses talk like Tweety Bird.

He loves to talk, guess he's got the 'gift of gab' like his Mom. ;0)  We'll be out at the hobby/craft store & sometimes he'll just ask the person who's working there if he can have things or what certain things are used for & why.  He always starts off with, "Uh-excuse me girl or worker person........& then proceed to politely start a conversation of wants & questions.   He also seems to have one heck of a gift for remembering things.  He loves music & has quite a few songs memorized very well & we just love to listen to him singing throughout the house or at the store.  Nothing like listening to your 3yo singing 'Baby, Baby, Baby' by Justin Bieber.  We watch 'Adventure Time w/Finn & Jake in our home too & quite often Jack will request that we say certain lines in order to act out scenes he's recalling from his favorite episodes.  I've been hearing a lot of Niga Higa skits & Amazing World of Gumball scenes lately.  It absolutely amazes me at how wowed I am by his capacity to memorize so much & to retain all of these things.  Just the wonderful ways of how he chooses to use his imagination & interact is so awesome. 

More recently, he has learned that he can express himself through the powers of pen on paper.  He will happily hand myself or one of his siblings a pen w/a card or paper of some sort & start telling us what he needs us to write down & who we are writing it for.  He then hand delivers these messages & runs off excited because it's a new way to communicate & he did it. :0)  The latest message I received from him was a neat little card that said, 'Jack's cup-cake hanatizer (hand sanitizer) is really cool and I love Ollie (his new pet bunny) and can I hold him? ~ Love Jack' 

He's only 3, but already he seems so advanced in his ways of communication.  He's even surprised me with the fact that he can recognize & read various words already!!!  I have to give very big thanxx & recognition to his older siblings for a lot of his advanced smarts.  Not only do I work with him a lot on being creative & learning how to do things, but his older brother & sister are constantly working with him & spending time with him & I adore it!  They may not recognize it now, but one day they will see just how important it was to establish such a close relationship with each other. 

In closing, I suppose I will leave you with a most recent funny conversation between Jack & one of the bankers at our bank:

Banker: 'cough, cough'
Jack: Uh excuse you.
Me: No, no Jack.  You don't say excuse you, you say bless you & that's only when someone sneezes. :0)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you've passed your road rage onto your son. The "Too nervous" excuse is hilarious. My boyfriend's son likes to say his hand is hurt when he doesn't want to put something away. :)

    The communicating via pen and paper is super exciting. He sounds adorable... and I love that his older siblings are teaching him so much.

    P.S. I sure wish I had Jack's memory! Excuse you!
