I was reading a friend's blog the other day. If you get a chance, you definitely should check out Xiomara's page! On one of her recent blogs she had posted a gadget type of deal at the bottom of it asking to describe your life in six words. I had commented to her that I would have to put some thought into this one & get back to her. As oppose to hopping back on her page & filling it up w/my jibber-jabber, I have decided that this would make for a good blog. I had been stuck in a slump this past week due to some unfortunate news I received & being that my blog page says 'Every Day HAPPY w/Siouxxsie' I guess I felt like I couldn't really blog a sad thought. I think however, I have been able to find a way I can turn my negative/sadness around into something hopefully positive, uplifting & motivational instead. Having said that, I will now share w/you, 2 six word sentences I came up with that to me feel very fitting in describing my life.
1. I consider my life extremely blessed ~ I think this one is pretty self explanatory, blessed is blessed, is it not? :0) I can not even begin to add up or recall all the numerous times I have sat back & thought, "I am so blessed to have the family that I do"
"I am so blessed to have all these wonderful friend's in my life".
"I am so blessed to be where I am in life".
"I am so blessed to have all that I have"! But most of all,
"I am so blessed to know God & have Him in my life"!
I understand that perhaps religion isn't your thing, organized or lack there of, but for me God is everything.
Through the past couple of years, I had been learning more & more of this through various discussions I would have w/a very dear friend of mine. We had gone to HS together, but never really kept in touch until a few years back through the wonderful world of computers. Always so full of such insight & knowledge. I absolutely adore him & am so amazed & inspired by his faith & just who he became as a person in general. That was what brought me so down last week. I had learned through friends of mine that he had passed away suddenly. This obviously flooded my mind with so many different thoughts, feelings, emotions, you name it! I was so crushed by the sad news & shocked by the suddenness. I just wished him a happy birthday literally a few weeks ago. As I sat & grieved, pouted & felt crummy, it began to dawn on me, "I am so blessed to have had him in my life, if even for a bit period of time".
"I am so blessed to continue to have him in my heart forever".
"I am so blessed that I had the opportunity to be considered a friend by him".
"I am so blessed to be one of the many people in his life that he inspired & motivated".
"I am so blessed to be able to share the things he shared with me".
"I am so blessed to know that some day, we will see each other again".
It took me a few days to come to terms with this & realize that, but I did & I am now happy again & in a better place emotionally. I continue to pray for his beautiful family that I have also come to love & cherish. I thank his Mom for bringing up such a beautiful person & for sharing her son with all of us.
Which brings me to my 2nd six word phrase that to me describes my life.
#2. I have been given a choice ~ YUP! I have, it's true. Although God, being the Omnipotent One that He is & knowing already what I will choose, still allows me to make that choice! For a few days there, I chose to be unhappy & sad & grieve the loss of my dear friend, but then I also chose to turn it around & to be accepting, understanding & positive about it all. I think sometimes we need to be brought to certain levels to obtain other ones. It's like having to go without something in order to fully appreciate & be thankful when we have it, you know? I think it's very okay to grieve, it's a part of the healing process. I think if we try not to grieve, it only holds us back from being able to accept our loss & fully move on in our life.
I completely understand that not every day is a party full of celebrating & cheer, but regardless of how difficult the day may become, it is all in how we choose to look at it & what we choose to learn from it. I have gained quite a bit of insight out of my life thus far & I'm always finding ways to continue enjoying this journey I am on. Life is ours to learn, love & enjoy. As stinky as the bad days are, I always try to find the good in them too. It's my choice. :0) So I suppose in conclusion, It's my choice and I choose blessed! Happy day to you all!!! Know that I consider myself very blessed to have you in my life.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
I think I have decided!
OK, I know last week when I started this blog, the question was basically, to shave, or not to shave? After hearing a lot of feedback from people, I think it's official, I will NOT be shaving my head. Maybe some day, but not any time soon. ;0) Instead, because I am such a Pintrest junky, I saw an awesome idea while on there the other day & tried it out. I am thinking maybe if I sell these bracelets, I can earn some extra charity money that way? Maybe not as much as if I would have shaved my hair, maybe more. Either way I feel good knowing I am at least trying to do something positive & I have found a fun & creative way to do it. I hope you are all finding yourselves having a great start to this week & that your weekend was enjoyable & relaxing! Happy Monday!!!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Things Jack says
So, I know all of our kids say some of the silliest things, but I think Jack really takes the cake! He's constantly spitting things out that I would have never imagined hearing him say & I can't help but crack up.....probably even when I shouldn't. I have also found that he just might have a wee bit of 'road rage' from driving around w/me. It's true. I am guilty as charged. Oh man! We'll be driving along & the light will be red so I slow down & stop & if there happens to be a car stopped in front of us, Jack will automatically start yelling at that car to move & get out of the way. haha! It seems he doesn't quite understand why Mommy has gotten mad at some people in the past while driving, but he certainly has the 'concept' down. 0_0
Sometimes when I ask him to take something & put it away or wherever it belongs, his excuse to me will be, "Uh Mom, you have to do it because it makes me too nervous". Really? To nervous to put a toy away hu? Okay, that's a first. He has such an imagination & he's so creative in his complex ways of thinking. I absolutely love to hear what he'll say next & try to understand his concept behind it. We were playing around w/some 3-D movie glasses the other day & I asked him if he wanted to wear the 3-D glasses. He said he would & asked if he would look cool & I told him yes & put them on. No sooner did I place them on his head then he got a little upset & said, "Uh Mom, it's not saying tweety like Tweety bird". That just really made my day! Now I know a lot of that probably had to do w/my not speaking clearly enough for him to fully understand what was going on, but I just don't know anyone who would have ever come up w/thinking glasses talk like Tweety Bird.
He loves to talk, guess he's got the 'gift of gab' like his Mom. ;0) We'll be out at the hobby/craft store & sometimes he'll just ask the person who's working there if he can have things or what certain things are used for & why. He always starts off with, "Uh-excuse me girl or worker person........& then proceed to politely start a conversation of wants & questions. He also seems to have one heck of a gift for remembering things. He loves music & has quite a few songs memorized very well & we just love to listen to him singing throughout the house or at the store. Nothing like listening to your 3yo singing 'Baby, Baby, Baby' by Justin Bieber. We watch 'Adventure Time w/Finn & Jake in our home too & quite often Jack will request that we say certain lines in order to act out scenes he's recalling from his favorite episodes. I've been hearing a lot of Niga Higa skits & Amazing World of Gumball scenes lately. It absolutely amazes me at how wowed I am by his capacity to memorize so much & to retain all of these things. Just the wonderful ways of how he chooses to use his imagination & interact is so awesome.
More recently, he has learned that he can express himself through the powers of pen on paper. He will happily hand myself or one of his siblings a pen w/a card or paper of some sort & start telling us what he needs us to write down & who we are writing it for. He then hand delivers these messages & runs off excited because it's a new way to communicate & he did it. :0) The latest message I received from him was a neat little card that said, 'Jack's cup-cake hanatizer (hand sanitizer) is really cool and I love Ollie (his new pet bunny) and can I hold him? ~ Love Jack'
He's only 3, but already he seems so advanced in his ways of communication. He's even surprised me with the fact that he can recognize & read various words already!!! I have to give very big thanxx & recognition to his older siblings for a lot of his advanced smarts. Not only do I work with him a lot on being creative & learning how to do things, but his older brother & sister are constantly working with him & spending time with him & I adore it! They may not recognize it now, but one day they will see just how important it was to establish such a close relationship with each other.
In closing, I suppose I will leave you with a most recent funny conversation between Jack & one of the bankers at our bank:
Banker: 'cough, cough'
Jack: Uh excuse you.
Me: No, no Jack. You don't say excuse you, you say bless you & that's only when someone sneezes. :0)
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Sometimes when I ask him to take something & put it away or wherever it belongs, his excuse to me will be, "Uh Mom, you have to do it because it makes me too nervous". Really? To nervous to put a toy away hu? Okay, that's a first. He has such an imagination & he's so creative in his complex ways of thinking. I absolutely love to hear what he'll say next & try to understand his concept behind it. We were playing around w/some 3-D movie glasses the other day & I asked him if he wanted to wear the 3-D glasses. He said he would & asked if he would look cool & I told him yes & put them on. No sooner did I place them on his head then he got a little upset & said, "Uh Mom, it's not saying tweety like Tweety bird". That just really made my day! Now I know a lot of that probably had to do w/my not speaking clearly enough for him to fully understand what was going on, but I just don't know anyone who would have ever come up w/thinking glasses talk like Tweety Bird.
He loves to talk, guess he's got the 'gift of gab' like his Mom. ;0) We'll be out at the hobby/craft store & sometimes he'll just ask the person who's working there if he can have things or what certain things are used for & why. He always starts off with, "Uh-excuse me girl or worker person........& then proceed to politely start a conversation of wants & questions. He also seems to have one heck of a gift for remembering things. He loves music & has quite a few songs memorized very well & we just love to listen to him singing throughout the house or at the store. Nothing like listening to your 3yo singing 'Baby, Baby, Baby' by Justin Bieber. We watch 'Adventure Time w/Finn & Jake in our home too & quite often Jack will request that we say certain lines in order to act out scenes he's recalling from his favorite episodes. I've been hearing a lot of Niga Higa skits & Amazing World of Gumball scenes lately. It absolutely amazes me at how wowed I am by his capacity to memorize so much & to retain all of these things. Just the wonderful ways of how he chooses to use his imagination & interact is so awesome.
More recently, he has learned that he can express himself through the powers of pen on paper. He will happily hand myself or one of his siblings a pen w/a card or paper of some sort & start telling us what he needs us to write down & who we are writing it for. He then hand delivers these messages & runs off excited because it's a new way to communicate & he did it. :0) The latest message I received from him was a neat little card that said, 'Jack's cup-cake hanatizer (hand sanitizer) is really cool and I love Ollie (his new pet bunny) and can I hold him? ~ Love Jack'
He's only 3, but already he seems so advanced in his ways of communication. He's even surprised me with the fact that he can recognize & read various words already!!! I have to give very big thanxx & recognition to his older siblings for a lot of his advanced smarts. Not only do I work with him a lot on being creative & learning how to do things, but his older brother & sister are constantly working with him & spending time with him & I adore it! They may not recognize it now, but one day they will see just how important it was to establish such a close relationship with each other.
In closing, I suppose I will leave you with a most recent funny conversation between Jack & one of the bankers at our bank:
Banker: 'cough, cough'
Jack: Uh excuse you.
Me: No, no Jack. You don't say excuse you, you say bless you & that's only when someone sneezes. :0)
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Thursday Family Night!!!
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My oldest son, the football star! |
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Baby JackE w/a 'bro-stache' |
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My Daughter 'Tebowing' |
Okie-dokie....day #2 of blogging. Let's see how long I can keep this up & or how long it takes for me to figure out the 'blogging world'. It always seems as soon as I am done typing up something to talk about & posting it, no sooner do I log off & walk away, out of no where thousands of grand ideas pop into my head. When I finally get around to sit down & blog again, all those grand ideas seem to disappear. It's a bummer & the pits I tell ya. I'd take pen & paper with me everywhere, but I lose everything so easily. Hence the reason why I write lists on my 'palm-pilot' AKA back of my hand! It certainly doesn't help that I truly consider myself a pre-Alzheimer's/Dementia patient. Our family is so great at remembering things! haha! OK, well maybe some of us, but I would not be in that category.
Speaking of family, that certainly does bring me to my main point of this blog. MY FAMILY!!! I am a proud Mother of twins, Skyeler & Patty & also the proud Mother of my baby Jack! Awhile back, one thing that we started in our home is 'Family Night'. Even though every day is technically family night, Thursday is the night I try to do something extra fun, like a favorite meal or add an outing, just something to show my extra attention & love to them, but that definitely doesn't mean every other day of the week is any less time with them. I hope they know that too. We just picked a night during the week to make it a point to set aside & dedicate that time to strictly our family. I will openly admit & honestly say, that this is one very positive thing I did take with me after I got divorced. Just because he is not in the home anymore, does not mean we can not still have family night. We are still a family! :0) So, Thursday is our blocked out day to be together. Anyone asks, 'Sorry, we already have plans that day'. teehee....even if we don't really have "plans", we will. Whether it's board games, cards, crafts, movies, hide & seek, etc. WE WILL BE DOING SOMETHING AS A FAMILY! We've even gone to the store, purchased 3 cans of cheap shaving cream & had a 'shaving cream war' in the yard. Certainly a mess, but easy to clean & it didn't smell that bad either. Sometimes we all just sit on the couch & talk about our day or tell jokes & stories. haha! I truly enjoy & look forward to Thursday! What was once just another day & sometimes not the best day because it can mean you still have one more day until the weekend, it is now a day I look forward too since starting this wonderful tradition! (Can I say DAY more)? haha! I can only hope that as my kids grow older & become more independent of me, they will still remember our family night & maybe, if I'm lucky, they'll still keep Thursday's blocked out to the world, but always open for Mom. Maybe even start the same type of tradition of their own when they have a family.....Of course that won't be for awhile & I'm definitely in no hurry to see them grow up. I absolutely love every moment with my kids. Even if we're all grumpy, at least we're all grumpy together. haha!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
To do or not to do???
OK, well here I go! For my first post & attempting to start blogging, I have a question to throw out. Any & all responses would be greatly appreciated. As of about a week ago, one of many crazy ideas popped into my mind......what if......I set something up to where I would have a monetary goal in mind & if I reached that said goal, I would shave my head??? Yup! Shave my head. I thought that maybe by offering such, considering how long my hair is & how long I've been growing it out, it would make for a great incentive to raise money for 3 very important organizations/people I love. In doing so, I would be able to help yet another charity, 'Locks of Love' or one like that in which I could donate my long hair for wigs. :0) It's weighing super heavy on me because I am a baby when it comes to even trimming my hair & speaking of baby, I can tell you right now, my youngest son cried when I was just joking around about cutting a little bit off. He doesn't like change. haha! I've had some support from friends & some family members, but I've also had people wanting me to really question what it would be like to have no hair for some time. I don't want to sound selfish or self absorbed, but having a good appearance does go a long way in the work I do. I deal w/people on a daily basis & maybe they won't want to work with me because I am bald & funny looking. I just don't know.....to be continued I suppose. Thank you to all who took the time to swing by my page & read my very first blog ever!!! Oh my & being that it is Wednesday, a very happy Bon Jovi day to you all!
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